warnings command

The warnings command is used to list warnings.


user@host:~$ pebble warnings --help
Usage:  pebble warnings [warnings-OPTIONS] The warnings command lists the warnings that have been reported to the system. Once warnings have been listed with 'pebble warnings', 'pebble okay' may beused to silence them. A warning that's been silenced in this way will not belisted again unless it happens again, _and_ a cooldown time has passed. Warnings expire automatically, and once expired they are forgotten. [warnings command options]      --abs-time                      Display absolute times (in RFC 3339                                      format). Otherwise, display relative                                      times up to 60 days, then YYYY-MM-DD.      --unicode=[auto|never|always]   Use a little bit of Unicode to improve                                      legibility. (default: auto)      --all                           Show all warnings      --verbose                       Show more information