tasks command

The tasks command is used to list a change’s tasks.


user@host:~$ pebble tasks --help
Usage:  pebble tasks [tasks-OPTIONS] [<change-id>] The tasks command displays a summary of tasks associated with an individualchange that happened recently. [tasks command options]      --abs-time       Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise,                       display relative times up to 60 days, then YYYY-MM-DD.      --last=          Select last change of given type (install, refresh,                       remove, try, auto-refresh, etc.). A question mark at the                       end of the type means to do nothing (instead of                       returning an error) if no change of the given type is                       found. Note the question mark could need protecting from                       the shell. [tasks command arguments]  <change-id>:         Change ID


To view tasks from the change with ID 3, run:

user@host:~$ pebble tasks 3
Status  Spawn                Ready                SummaryDone    today at 15:26 NZDT  today at 15:26 NZDT  Stop service "srv1"Done    today at 15:26 NZDT  today at 15:26 NZDT  Stop service "srv2"

Read more: Changes and tasks.