run command

The run command is used to run the service manager environment.


user@host:~$ pebble run --help
Usage:  pebble run [run-OPTIONS] The run command starts Pebble and runs the configured environment. Additional arguments may be provided to the service command with the --argsoption, which must be terminated with ";" unless there are no further programoptions. These arguments are appended to the end of the service command, andreplace any default arguments defined in the service plan. For example: pebble run --args myservice --port 8080 \; --hold [run command options]          --create-dirs  Create Pebble directory on startup if it doesn't exist          --hold         Do not start default services automatically          --http=        Start HTTP API listening on this address (e.g.,                         ":4000")      -v, --verbose      Log all output from services to stdout          --args=        Provide additional arguments to a service          --identities=  Seed identities from file (like update-identities                         --replace)

How it works

pebble run will start the Pebble daemon itself, as well as start all the services that are marked as startup: enabled in the layer configuration (if you don’t want that, use --hold). For more detail on layer configuration, see Layer specification.

After the Pebble daemon starts, other Pebble commands may be used to interact with the running daemon, for example, in another terminal window.


To provide additional arguments to a service, use --args <service> <args> .... If the command field in the service’s plan has a [ <default-arguments...> ] list, the --args arguments will replace the defaults. If not, they will be appended to the command.

To indicate the end of an --args list, use a ; (semicolon) terminator, which must be backslash-escaped if used in the shell. The terminator may be omitted if there are no other Pebble options that follow.


If Pebble is installed and the $PEBBLE directory is set up, run the daemon by:

user@host:~$ pebble run
2022-10-26T01:18:26.904Z [pebble] Started daemon.2022-10-26T01:18:26.921Z [pebble] POST /v1/services 15.53132ms 2022022-10-26T01:18:26.921Z [pebble] Started default services with change 50.2022-10-26T01:18:26.936Z [pebble] Service "srv1" starting: sleep 300

Run the daemon with arguments

To start the daemon and pass additional arguments to “myservice”, run:

pebble run --args myservice --verbose --foo "multi str arg"

To use args terminator to pass --hold to Pebble at the end of the line, run:

pebble run --args myservice --verbose \; --hold

To start the daemon and pass arguments to multiple services, run:

pebble run --args myservice1 --arg1 \; --args myservice2 --arg2

Override the default configuration directory

To override the default configuration directory, set the PEBBLE environment variable first then run the daemon:

export PEBBLE=~/pebble
pebble run

Initialise the $PEBBLE directory with a one-time copy

To initialise the $PEBBLE directory with the contents of another, in a one-time copy, set the PEBBLE_COPY_ONCE environment variable to the source directory.

This will only copy the contents if the target directory, $PEBBLE, is empty.