replan command

The replan command starts, stops, or restarts services that have changed, so that running services exactly match the desired configuration in the current plan.


user@host:~$ pebble replan --help
Usage:  pebble replan [replan-OPTIONS] The replan command starts, stops, or restarts services that have changed,so that running services exactly match the desired configuration in thecurrent plan. [replan command options]      --no-wait    Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the                   change id.

How it works

When you update service configuration (by adding a layer), the services changed won’t be automatically restarted. pebble replan restarts them and brings the service state in sync with the new configuration.

  • The “replan” operation restarts startup: enabled services whose configuration have changed between when they started and now; if the configuration hasn’t changed, replan does nothing.

  • Replan also starts startup: enabled services that have not yet been started.


Here is an example, where srv1 is a service that has startup: enabled, and srv2 does not:

user@host:~$ pebble replan
2023-04-25T15:06:50+02:00 INFO Service "srv1" already started.

Update “srv1” config:

user@host:~$ pebble add lay1 layer.yaml
Layer "lay1" added successfully from "layer.yaml"


user@host:~$ pebble replan
Stop service "srv1"Start service "srv1"

Change “srv2” to “startup: enabled”

user@host:~$ pebble add lay2 layer.yaml
Layer "lay2" added successfully from "layer.yaml"

Replan again:

user@host:~$ pebble replan
2023-04-25T15:11:22+02:00 INFO Service "srv1" already started.Start service "srv2"


If you want to force a service to restart even if its service configuration hasn’t changed, use pebble restart <service>.