logs command

The Pebble daemon’s service manager stores the most recent stdout and stderr from each service, using a 100KB ring buffer per service. Each log line is prefixed with an RFC-3339 timestamp and the [service-name] in square brackets.


Logs are viewable via the logs API or using pebble logs:

user@host:~$ pebble logs --help
Usage:  pebble logs [logs-OPTIONS] [<service>...] The logs command fetches buffered logs from the given services (or all servicesif none are specified) and displays them in chronological order. [logs command options]      -f, --follow     Follow (tail) logs for given services until Ctrl-C is                       pressed. If no services are specified, show logs from                       all services running when the command starts.          --format=    Output format: "text" (default) or "json" (JSON lines).      -n=              Number of logs to show (before following); defaults to                       30.                       If 'all', show all buffered logs.


To view logs, run:

user@host:~$ pebble logs
2022-11-14T01:35:06.979Z [srv1] Log 0 from srv12022-11-14T01:35:08.041Z [srv2] Log 0 from srv22022-11-14T01:35:09.982Z [srv1] Log 1 from srv1

To view existing logs and follow (tail) new output, use -f (press Ctrl-C to exit):

user@host:~$ pebble logs -f
2022-11-14T01:37:56.936Z [srv1] Log 0 from srv12022-11-14T01:37:57.978Z [srv2] Log 0 from srv22022-11-14T01:37:59.939Z [srv1] Log 1 from srv1^C

You can output logs in JSON Lines format, using --format=json:

user@host:~$ pebble logs --format=json
{"time":"2022-11-14T01:39:10.886Z","service":"srv1","message":"Log 0 from srv1"}{"time":"2022-11-14T01:39:11.943Z","service":"srv2","message":"Log 0 from srv2"}{"time":"2022-11-14T01:39:13.889Z","service":"srv1","message":"Log 1 from srv1"}

If you want to also write service logs to Pebble’s own stdout, run the daemon with --verbose:

user@host:~$ pebble run --verbose
2022-10-26T01:41:32.805Z [pebble] Started daemon.2022-10-26T01:41:32.835Z [pebble] POST /v1/services 29.743632ms 2022022-10-26T01:41:32.835Z [pebble] Started default services with change 7.2022-10-26T01:41:32.849Z [pebble] Service "srv1" starting: python3 -u /path/to/srv1.py2022-10-26T01:41:32.866Z [srv1] Log 0 from srv12022-10-26T01:41:35.870Z [srv1] Log 1 from srv12022-10-26T01:41:38.873Z [srv1] Log 2 from srv1...