How to install Pebble

To install the latest version of Pebble, you can choose any of the following methods:

Install the binary

To install the binary for the latest version of Pebble:

  1. Visit the latest release page to determine the latest tag, for example, v1.12.0.

  2. Run the following command to download the file. Make sure to replace v1.12.0 with the latest tag and amd64 with your architecture.

  3. Extract the contents of the downloaded file by running:

    tar zxvf pebble_v1.12.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
  4. Install the Pebble binary. Make sure the installation directory is included in your system’s PATH environment variable.

    sudo mv pebble /usr/local/bin/

Install from source

Alternatively, you can install the latest version of Pebble from source:

  1. Follow the official Go documentation here to download and install Go.

  2. After installing, you will want to add the $GOBIN directory to your $PATH so you can use the installed tools. For more information, refer to the official documentation.

  3. Run go install to build and install Pebble.

Verify the Pebble installation

Once the installation is complete, verify that pebble has been installed correctly by running:


This should produce output similar to the following:

user@host:~$ pebble
Pebble lets you control services and perform management actions onthe system that is running them. Usage: pebble <command> [<options>...] ...

Pebble is invoked using pebble <command>. For more information, see help command.