(reference_pebble_stop_command)= # stop command The stop command stops the service with the provided name and any other service that depends on it, in the correct order. ## Usage ```{terminal} :input: pebble stop --help Usage: pebble stop [stop-OPTIONS] ... The stop command stops the service with the provided name and any other service that depends on it, in the correct order. [stop command options] --no-wait Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the change id. ``` ## How it works When stopping a service, Pebble sends SIGTERM to the service's process group, and waits up to 5 seconds. If the command hasn't exited within that time window, Pebble sends SIGKILL to the service's process group and waits up to 5 more seconds. If the command exits within that 10-second time window, the stop is considered successful, otherwise `pebble stop` will exit with an error, regardless of the `on-failure` value. ## Examples To stop specific services, use `pebble stop` followed by one or more service names. The following example stops one service named "srv1": ```bash pebble stop srv1 ```