(reference_pebble_services_command)= # services command The services command lists status information about the services specified, or about all services if none are specified. ## Usage ```{terminal} :input: pebble services --help Usage: pebble services [services-OPTIONS] [...] The services command lists status information about the services specified, or about all services if none are specified. [services command options] --abs-time Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise, display relative times up to 60 days, then YYYY-MM-DD. ``` ## Examples You can view the status of one or more services by using `pebble services`: To show status of a single service: ```{terminal} :input: pebble services srv1 Service Startup Current srv1 enabled active ``` To show status of all services: ```{terminal} :input: pebble services Service Startup Current srv1 enabled active srv2 disabled inactive ``` The "Startup" column shows whether this service is automatically started when Pebble starts ("enabled" means auto-start, "disabled" means don't auto-start). The "Current" column shows the current status of the service, and can be one of the following: * `active`: starting or running * `inactive`: not yet started, being stopped, or stopped * `backoff`: in a [backoff-restart loop](../service-auto-restart.md) * `error`: in an error state